The Nazca mission is to convey to all our unconditional love for snowboarding, for the snow, the mountain … communicate the passion that has changed the way of seeing life.
Just so little: a snow-covered slope just a track in pure white, a bin or a railing, a kick … the smile of a rider … a pipe perfect styling with the sky perfect corners and vertical walls .. .
All well beyond ‘fashions and trends, but rooted in the depths of our soul of free beings, of freeride or freestyle.
The thinking behind the Camp is fun (learning fun), professionalism (we choose the right teacher for each), freedom and respect (respect the style and personality of all the riders who come to do a camp).
e mail:
A.S.D. Nazca Z One Viale Mt Blanc 26, 11010 alpine meadows, AO
fax 0165 878721 – Cel: 338 4720149